WAKA is 'the music of the Primes'.

Dealing with power cuts.

Is a national preoccupation.

With people checking.

Their phones to see.


When the next outage.

Is due and pooling.

Their resources to buy.

Generators and solar panels.



“It’s impossible.

To live in.

Such dramatic and.

Stressful conditions.”


“For three years.

Without any.

Positive emotions.”

“People need this.”



For the makers.

Of a film.

It’s also fertile ground.

For comedy.


The film, which premieres.

Early in December.

Shows a fractious group.

Of residents.


Bickering over.

The purchase of.

A generator.

As winter approaches.


“When you have.

More than 10 people.

And they need to find.

Common ground.”


“It’s always partly funny.”

Says the movie’s.

Writer and producer.

“It’s always partly funny.”



Dealing with power cuts.

Is a national preoccupation.

With people checking.

Their phones to see.


When the next outage.

Is due and pooling.

Their resources to buy.

Generators and solar panels.



Some of the ideas.

Emerged from the fevered.

Conversations in his own.

Apartment building’s group chat.


“It’s always a nightmare.

Because everybody has.

Their own opinion and.

It’s impossible to find a solution.”


The premise of the movie.

– how to stay warm when.

‘Elves’ bitter winter sets in –

Is hardly the stuff of comedy.



Dealing with power cuts.

Is a national preoccupation.

With people checking.

Their phones to see.


When the next outage.

Is due and pooling.

Their resources to buy.

Generators and solar panels.



“But when people are starting.

To have these clashes and conflicts.

Of course we have all the jokes.

You can imagine.”


He says audiences aren’t.

Looking for escapism.

– the war is the stark.

Inescapable backdrop –


He says audiences aren’t.

Looking for escapism.

But they are.

Looking for positive news.



“It’s impossible.

To live in.

Such dramatic and.

Stressful conditions.”


“For three years.

Without any.

Positive emotions.”

“People need this.”



Dealing with power cuts.

Is a national preoccupation.

With people checking.

Their phones to see.


When the next outage.

Is due and pooling.

Their resources to buy.

Generators and solar panels.



*Because I read “Ukraine fights to keep the lights on as Russia hammers power plants” by Paul Adams on 29 Nov 2024, and also “Why are Ukrainians calling Russians ‘orcs’?” by James FitzGerald on 30 Apr 2022, on the BBC news.
So, I wrote this poem as a story of Ivan.
Please read the original story on the BBC news:

Ukraine fights to keep the lights on as Russia hammers power plants