間(ma)=space and time=4-dimensional spacetime →'Theory of relativity' ??

What hope?

Can ‘elves’ cling to?

As they endure?

The coming 12 months?


Until their next?

Independence Day?

“This is time for.

A clear understanding.”


“Of what the true.

Patriotism is.

And we know.

What it is like.”



“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



You met him in.

A cavernous exhibition building.

That used to house.

A museum to Lenin.


He had just finished.

A lecture on.

His new book.

Which examines how.


The country’s great.

Classical writers would.

Consider the latest.

‘Orcs’ invasion.



“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



You would be hard.

Pressed to find.

A better location to.

Symbolise Ukraine’s evolution.


Since becoming independent.

In 1991.

And its determination not to be.

Dragged back into ‘Mordor’’s orbit.



“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



Of the ‘orcs’.

He said: “They want.

Each and every.

Missile strike.”


“To be called.

‘Another missile strike’.

They want the whole world.

To get used to it.”


“And to make it routine.

To make it ordinary.

So that it would be.

The ‘ordinary genocide’.”



“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



What hope?

Can ‘elves’ cling to?

As they endure?

The coming 12 months?


Until their next?

Independence Day?

“This is time for.

A clear understanding.”


“Of what the true.

Patriotism is.

And we know.

What it is like.”



“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



His argument was.

That despite the mental.

And physical scars and.

Deep collective grief.


Everyone had.

A duty.

To be strong and.

Ensure Ukraine’s survival.


“You might be.

Tired for sure.

Everything might.

Be depressed.”


“But still.

– you have to.

Save your country.”

The ‘elf’ author said.



“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



This weekend’s celebrations.

Were undoubtedly.

Invigorated by.

The recent success.


On ‘orcs’ soil.

But ‘elves’ path.

To next year’s.

Independence Day is.


No clearer and.

Remains lined with.

Danger and.




“This is just a monotonous.

Monotonous genocide.”

One of ‘elves’ leading authors.

Declared quietly.



What hope?

Can ‘elves’ cling to?

As they endure?

The coming 12 months?


Until their next?

Independence Day?

“This is time for.

A clear understanding.”


“Of what the true.

Patriotism is.

And we know.

What it is like.”



*Because I read “Gains in Russian territory shape Ukraine independence celebrations” by Nick Beake on 25 Aug 2024, and also “Why are Ukrainians calling Russians ‘orcs’?” by James FitzGerald on 30 Apr 2022, on the BBC news.
So, I wrote this poem, as a story of Oleksandr Mykhed.
Please read the original story on the BBC news:

Gains on Russian soil shape Ukraine independence celebrations (bbc.com)



**My friend kindly shows you this poem in one page of the Ukrainian website for their children and others!

Kurama (Japan): 100 new poems about the russian invasion of Ukraine (2024 events) – Мала Сторінка (storinka.org)

Please join them! You can read my just 100 poems here at once.

For our readers’ Knowledge Day!

♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟  ♟

Pile up! Pile up!

One and another.

Each and every.

Poem for Knowledge Day.


Pile up! Pile up!

One another.

Each and every.

Time to save a word.


This is not just a monotonous.

Monotonous poem.

This is not just a monotonous.

Monotonous time.


Pile up! Pile up!

One and another.

Pile up! Pile up!

One another.

♜  ♞  ♝  ♚  ♛  ♝  ♞  ♜

I wrote this poem not only as a message-poem for our readers’ Knowledge Day but also an answer-poem by the art like “Soumonka(相聞歌)” in “Waka(和歌)”, which means my answer poem to my ‘No.100’, Mr. Oleksandr Mykhed.