Kokorokoso Kokoromayohasu Kokoronare Kokoronikokoro Kokoroyurusuna from 'Hudochishinmyoroku(by Takuan)

Not Martial Arts but Minerva’s Arts.

Through a Struggle, be guided by Philosophy, Faith, Art, and Science.

Like a Forest from the Olive Tree that Athena, goddess of Wisdom, offered the Greek people a long time ago.


First of all, I want to use the term ‘koryu(古流)’ roughly to express ‘kobudo(古武道)’ which means the classical Japanese Martial Arts (Kenjutsu(剣術), Iaijutsu(居合術), Naginatajutsu(薙刀術), Kodachijutsu(小太刀術), Bojutsu(棒術), Jujutsu(柔術), etc.) in this blog.

The reason why I use not ‘kobudo(古武道)’ but ‘koryu(古流)’ is that ‘kobudo(古武道)’ and other classical Japanese arts (Waka(和歌), Noh(能), Zen(禅), etc.) are based on the original ground, Gaea, and once upon a time, took roots, and shoot, and have closely connected each other for a long time.

So, when I want to know and understand and think about ‘kobudo(古武道)’, I need to know and understand and think about other classical Japanese arts, too.

And for ‘kobudo(古武道)’, I think the term ‘Martial (Mars’)’ is not suitable, because the classical Japanese ‘Martial’ Arts have own philosophy and faith, and they are art and science.

I think ‘Minerva’s’ is suitable rather than ‘Mars’’ for ‘kobudo(古武道)’, even though ‘kobudo(古武道)’ is a struggle, like Chess.