間(ma)=space and time=4-dimensional spacetime →'Theory of relativity' ??

“‘Mordor’ waged.

War on us.

It violated not only.

Sovereign borders.”


“But also the limits.

Of cruelty and.

Common sense.”

He told his people.



‘Gandalf the Green’.

Who attended a number of.

Independence Day events.

In the capital.


Gave a pre-recorded address.

From the Sumy region.

– just across the border from.

The newly gained ‘orcs’ territory.



“‘Mordor’ waged.

War on us.

It violated not only.

Sovereign borders.”


“But also the limits.

Of cruelty and.

Common sense.”

He told his people.



“It was endlessly.

Seeking one thing:

To destroy us.

And what the enemy.”


“Brought to our land.

Has now returned.

To its home.”

“To its home.”



Nearly three weeks.

Into the Kursk incursion.

Ukraine has consolidated.

Much of the ‘orcs’ land.


It seized rapidly.

In the surprise operation.

It burst across the border.

On 6 August.



“It was endlessly.

Seeking one thing:

To destroy us.

And what the enemy.”


“Brought to our land.

Has now returned.

To its home.”

“To its home.”



*Because I read “Gains in Russian territory shape Ukraine independence celebrations” by Nick Beake on 25 Aug 2024, and also “Why are Ukrainians calling Russians ‘orcs’?” by James FitzGerald on 30 Apr 2022, on the BBC news.
So, I wrote this poem.
Please read the original story on the BBC news:

Gains on Russian soil shape Ukraine independence celebrations (bbc.com)



**My friend kindly shows you this poem in one page of the Ukrainian website for their children and others!

Kurama (Japan): 100 new poems about the russian invasion of Ukraine (2024 events) – Мала Сторінка (storinka.org)

Please join them! You can read my 100 poems here at once.