“It’s like playing with death.”

“It’s like playing with death.”

She says a sniper’s role in war.

Has been romanticized.



In the eastern Donbas region.

A sniper is involved.

In the counter-offensive.

Right now.


She is acting-up.

As a female commander.

Of an all-male unit.

“A sniper’s image is romanticized.”


“… and is beautiful due.

To the movies.

In reality.

It’s hard work.”


She describes how.

Snipers lie still on the ground.

For up to six hours to fire a shot.

Followed by a rapid change in position.



“It’s like playing with death.”

“It’s like playing with death.”

She says a sniper’s role in war.

Has been romanticized.



*Because I read “’It’s like playing with death’ – Ukraine’s female front line soldiers” by Olga Malchevska on 2 Aug 2023 on the BBC news.
So, I wrote this poem as a story of Iryna.
Please read the original story on the BBC news:

‘It’s like playing with death’ – Ukraine’s female front line soldiers – BBC News



**My friend shows you this poem with two others on the Ukrainian website for their children and others!

Kurama (Japan). «A poet in a gym», «A poet doing the best» — two poems about Ukraine’s female front-line soldiers – Мала Сторінка (storinka.org)

Please join them!