Be patient. Be patient.
Too much patient but not enough to see you.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way from home to where you have a few days.
Be patient. Be patient.
Too much patient but not enough to call you.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way through half of Ukraine by bus.
Be patient. Be patient.
Too much patient but not enough to hear you.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way from far west for 13 hours.
Be patient. Be patient.
Too much patient but not enough to be with you.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way for the moment waiting and waiting.
Be patient. Be patient.
Too much patient enough to talk with you.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way home after those happy moments.
Be patient. Be patient.
Too many pigeons at a bus station round me.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way home to wait and pray for you again.
*Because my friend sent me an email 4 days ago:
“I’m traveling by bus now to the Lviv. Our son has a few days of vacation! I’m happy to hear that he is safe now and waiting to see him!”
“You have to go through half of Ukraine, 825 km by bus – 13 hours +3 hours waiting in Uman…
I must to be patient! But I’m happy!!”
And 10 hours ago, with a photo of “lots and lots of pigeons at the bus station in Uman”:
“We talked with our son for several hours, and I was happy in those moments. But now I worry and pray for him again.”
So, I wrote this poem for her, dear my friend.
**My friend shows you this poem also on the Ukrainian website for their children and others!
Please join them!
Yes, this poem is also for mothers of Ukrainian warriors.
***Now you can also hear my voice, singing this poem here.