My job is ‘shihoshoshi (司法書士)’, a Japanese term formed by only 4 letters of Kanji (漢字).
It costs just 1 breath in only 4 seconds.
But when I tried to explain it for my Italian friend, I sent him a long e-mail consuming my several hours, as follows:
When I read something about the personal history of Petorarca, I happened to know that his father and grandfather and more…are ‘notaio’ (*= ‘notary public’ in English).
Oh, ‘notaio’ has such a long long history in Italy!
At that moment, what we talked about my job at the café in Kyoto came to my mind.
So today, let me explain something more about my job as ‘shihoshoshi(司法書士)’ again.
It’s also a long story, so feel free to read.
First of all, the Notary Public in America can make the document authenticating and the Affidavit; in addition to those, ‘notaio’ can make the notarized documents.
Is this true?
And in Japan, 3 basic functions have supported the Japanese law system from 1872.
(Japanese social systems changed distractively from end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period, the middle of the 19th century, because suddenly European and American cultures came into Japan.)
They are ‘koshonin(公証人)’(=notaio (*= ‘notary public’ in English)), ‘bengoshi(弁護士)’(=avvocato(*=’lawyer’ in English)) and ‘shihoshoshi(司法書士)’(=?=I!).
Mainly ‘shihoshoshi(司法書士)’ has been related the registration of real estates and companies.
‘Shihoshoshi(司法書士)’ prepares applications as an agent of people to registry offices which administer registers of real estates and companies.
Usually ‘shihoshoshi(司法書士)’ attends at transactions of real estates.
When the ownership of a real estate transfers A to B in exchange for the payment of the monies, A and B must change the name to B as the owner of the real estate by submitting the application to the registry offices.
For example, last year (*=2017) a serious incident was happened.
One major enterprise of real estate industry suffered from the damage (about 5.6billion yen!!) of a fraud that a member of the fraud group passed off as the true owner of the real estate which everyone wanted.
According to the papers, the ‘shihoshoshi(司法書士)’ at the transaction (a lawyer was also there) confirmed the ID, but it was a fake.
Like this, ‘shihosyoshi(司法書士)’ is related to real estate not only when people buy or sell them but also when people inherit them.
In Japan one’s heirs can be found by one’s family registers which are administered by municipal offices.
Recently many older people who are from each countryside are troubled, because they already have own home in the city besides the land passed down from their ancestor.
Japanese laws protect the rights of ownership of real estate very strongly.
For that reason, people cannot give up their ownership of real estates, even if they know they cannot sell it for even zero yen.
So according to the papers, there are land of unknown ownership as large as Kyusyu (about 30,000㎢) throughout the country today.
Some small islands are said that there are cats more than the population of it.
Now if you can imagine what I did today for my job, I’m very happy.